Wednesday, October 19, 2011


W.E.E.P. News

Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution News 

20 October 2011

Experts at Maine conference say cellphones cause cancer
"There's enough science to suggest the activity can cause cancer, but not enough political will to implement measures to reduce exposure...We're setting ourselves up for an epidemic of cancers in the future that should be preventable based on the knowledge we have now."

Wi-Fi in Vancouver schools concerns parents - British Columbia ...

Parents of elementary students in Vancouver say they want their voices heard when it comes to installing wireless internet service at their children's schools.
MLA builds case against Smart meters

By Norm Macdonald - Revelstoke Times Review Over the last number of months, I have heard more and more objections about the installation of Smart meters on every BC Hydro customer's home. There have also been a number of news stories with headlines ...
BC Opt Out ?
  • An earlier version of this story incorrectly indicated BC Hydro may not install smart meters where customers have refused them. In fact, BC Hydro is committed to installing smart meters throughout the province. Oct. 18, 2011 | 5:45 p.m. ET
Electromagnetic radiation is gradually creeping into our lives

Sault This Week
Without seeing the red flags, society has allowed a relentless creep of ubiquitous electromagnetic radiation into every corner of our spaces which is completely avoidable in most cases. There's no reason our PUC smart meters couldn't use a landline to ...

Paris tackles radiation from the roofs

Viasat broadband 'super-satellite' launches
More radiation - The Viasat-1 spacecraft will deliver broadband services to customers in the US and Canada.

Cell Tower Moratorium Extension Up For Debate

A towering problem for birds and bees

Times of India
It is not just humans but birds and bees too are beginning to feel the impact of 'electro-smog', the pollution from the electromagnetic fields (EMF). Unlike most other known pollutants, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is not readily perceivable to ...
Smart meter opponents launch recall plan

Nanaimo News Bulletin
By Rachel Stern - Nanaimo News Bulletin Smart meter opponents are hoping to create a movement similar to the HST recall to force the government to scrap the program. Walter McGinnis, a spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, ...

Opinion: Energy-efficient bulbs — they're causing headaches for many of us

As the reader who reported daily migraine attacks noted, "will the time come when you have to have a physician's prescription to purchase a 100-watt bulb? Will you have to get special authority from Pharmacare to have them in your house?"

Earthing Response
Dear Gaetan,
                The ground wire in the outlet is physically bonded to the utility neutral in the electrical service box, so induction is not a consideration. There is nothing "tricky" about measuring voltage in the earth. All it takes is two ground rods (I use screwdrivers), 50 feet of wire and an oscilloscope. I've made hundreds of ground voltage measurements in the western US and British Columbia, and every one shows a voltage between 3 and 26 volts peak to peak, with lots high frequencies on examination of the spectra.
                The utility pole-mounted transformers have a wire running from the center tap (neutral) into the ground. Most of the electricity delivered in North America now returns to the substations via the ground. The utility  neutral wire, the ground in the house outlet and the earth are therefore electrically interconnected. Anyone using an earthing mat as directed is therefore being connected to the utility's primary neutral return current. The oscilloscope tracings taken at my Olympia Washington house by Dave Stetzer and me show that the in-line resistor doesn't change the voltage delivered to the mat.  The tracing using the ground rod was similar to the tracing using the outlet ground. With an electrically clean ground, I'd be happy to use a mat, but am very reluctant to connect my body to the utility's neutral return current.
If you like, I'll forward messages from people made ill by using the mats.
Best,  Sam Milham

To: all European Anti-Emf organizations

Dear all,

The 2011 International Scientific Conference on EMF and Health will take plake on the 16th and the 17th of November 2011 at the European Parliament in Brussels.

This conference is organized under the auspices of the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). Althus it is the most important electrosmog-conference for all 27 countries of the European Union!

As can be seen from the programme here:
many speakers are invited, but most if not all of them are directly or indirectly linked to the telecom industry.

And none of the scientists of whom their research has proven that there are harmful health effects of pulsed microwave radiation are invited to speak at the conference! We for instance refer to the following non-invited independent scientists and emf-specialists: L. Hardell, H. Lai, M. Kundi, F. Adlkofer, G. Oberfeld, O. Johansson, M. Havas etc. All of them have confirmed that they have not been invited at this conference.

As we know, the exponential rise of electrosmog in the past decade in every house, school and city has become a major threat to public health. The health of children, millions of electrosensitives and future generations is at stake here! The politicians and the general public need to realize that public health is the utmost important and act accordingly.

That's why during the conference we will protest at the entrance of the EU Parliament on Wednesday the 16th of November.

We demand:

- much less electrosmog with a regulation that fully applies the precautionary principle
- recognition of electrohypersensitivity as a functional impairment (as in Sweden)

We are convinced this EU-conference is the perfect opportunity for us, for the European Anti-Emf Organizations to cooperate and unite our protest.

With this we invite you to protest together with us. Please keep us posted via e-mail at:

Thank you,

Steven Boone (
Luc Leenders (
Christine Duchateau (
Gérald Hanotiaux (Collectif Dé-Mobilisation)
ANTENNES RELAIS À MONTRÉAL: À écouter sans faute, les deux  reportages de Radio-Canada diffusés ce matin à l'émission C'est bien meilleur le matin. Craintes justifiées des citoyens et une église avec plus de 60 antennes sur son clocher:   Entrevue de Michel Rochon journaliste scientifique et reportage avec Jean-Marie Dufort commissaire à la  CSDM. Pour mieux comprendre la situation... 

Communiqué SEMO, 17 octobre 2011

Enfin, le NPD réagit  en réclamant une diffusion plus large des conseils de Santé Canada ( Principe de Précaution) pour restreindre l'utilisation des technologies sans fil.

La députée Carol Hugues, NPD-Ontario, qui était membre du comité permanent de la santé lors de l'examen par celui-ci de l'impact des micro-ondes sur la santé, exprime la position du NPD :

Les avertissements de Santé Canada sur les cellulaires doivent être clairs et diffusés largement 

L'avertissement doit s'appliquer aux systèmes WIFI,  aux moniteurs de bébé, aux téléphones sans fil (et évidemment aux autres dispositifs utilisant des micro-ondes  comme les antennes relais)

Le positon du NPD est soutenu par les quatre éléments suivants: 

1-Rapport du comité permanent de la santé (décembre 2010) (désaveu des normes de santé canada)
2-Classement par l'OMS des micro-ondes comme potentiellement cancérigènes et recommandations de limiter l'exposition de la population (31 mai 2011) (comme le Bisphémol A, le plomb, le pesticide DDT, le Killex...)
3-Avertissement de santé Canada, de limiter l'utilisation du Cellulaire (principalement par les enfants) 4 octobre 2011 ( Santé Canada reconnaît que des effets néfastes sur la santé peuvent se produire à un niveau d'exposition beaucoup plus bas que le code de sécurité 6,  donc le code de sécurité 6 ( 6 minutes, protection thermique uniquement) n'est plus adéquat pour protéger la santé de la population- seules des normes de protection des effets biologiques peuvent protéger la population des effets néfastes sur la santé d'une exposition à long terme
4-Avertissement des compagnies de cellulaire.
Depuis plus d'un an, les acheteurs de cellulaire qui achète un produit, IPHONE, MOTOROLA ou BLACKBERRY, sont avisés par de petits caractères dans le mode d'emploi, de maintenir le téléphone cellulaire à une distance allant jusqu'à 7/8 de pouce de l'oreille. Et également de ne pas mettre l'appareil contre la peau lorsqu'on le porte sur soi.  Ces avertissements font clairement état de risques pour la santé allant jusqu'au cancer si ces mesures de précaution ne sont pas respectées.

Le but de ces avis est bien sur une protection contre les poursuites éventuelles des clients utilisateurs de cellulaire qui auront un cancer du même côté de la tête qu'ils utilisaient leur cellulaire ( États-Unis, France, Espagne...). Ils n'auront pas lu ni respecté le mode d'emploi suggéré. Donc sans aucun recours....

Merci de votre intérêt pour ce dossier,

Références sur le site:

François Therrien SEMO
450 471 8371
 ACNEM medical conference in Melbourne
The topic is Sleep Disorders and Fatigue.
Essentially I will be examining electrosensitivity.
Note that Robyn Cosford, one of the presenters has been on national TV expressing concerns over ill children that she sees in her practice and their exposure to mobile phones and wi-fi.


Don Maisch
Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)
Mon Oct 24, 6-9pm
Event Location:
Oakham House Conference Centre,
Thomas Lounge
Ryerson University, 63 Gould Street, Toronto

On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of CELA, I would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting and Michelle's Prize Fundraiser on Monday, October 24, 2011 at the Thomas Lounge, Oakham House Conference Centre, Ryerson University, 63 Gould Street, Toronto, ON.
*** If anyone is able to attend this event, maybe you can explain to them that they are ignoring what is probably the worst environmental disaster ever - electro magnetic radiation ! 

To sign up for WEEP News:  (provide name and e-mail address)

W.E.E.P. – The Canadian initiative to stop: Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution

Pulsed Electromagnetic Devices Pose Health Risks

The human body as a walking RF antenna

Tumour fear cuts chatter as woman switch off their mobile phones

Why Our Urban Trees are Dying

Barrie Trower predicts economic and ecological systems collapse

Scientists manipulated research played down brain tumour risks in children

Cancer Industry: Profits Before Lives

Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide

The Latest Danger: 'Smart Meters'

SmartMeters and Electropollution

Smart Meters: not so smart an idea

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

Wi-Fi making kids, teachers sick?

Brennan Park phone tower fight looms

Money for masts

Phone mast plan fury residents in blockade

Parents worried at new mast scheme

B.C. Hydro program sparks up a storm of controversy

CTIA again tries to block San Francisco cell phone radiation ordinance

People power halts roof mobile phone mast, in Sutherland Grove, Teddington

Next-up News Nr 1818

Next-up News Nr 1820

Next-up News Nr 1821

Next-up News Nr 1822

Next-up News Nr 1823

Next-up News Nr 1824

News from Mast Sanity


Our links:
Note: EMF-Omega News belongs to the Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog.
Editor and responsible for the content: Citizens' Initiative Omega, member in the Buergerwelle. Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), which works on non-profit base. Our messages are the result of many hours of daily research, roundup and editing. If you would like to support our activity for people around the world with a donation or an aid fund unique or on regular base, you can do it: Recipient: Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), bank-connection: Hypo Bank Augsburg, account-No 2250284,  BLZ 720 200 70, IBAN: DE83 7202 0070 0002 2502 84, SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM408. 
Buergerwelle Germany (incorporated society), Umbrella Organization of the Citizens and Initiatives for the Protection against Electrosmog: 1. Chairman Siegfried Zwerenz, 2. Chairman Barbara Eidling, Mailing address: Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, phone 0049-(0)9631-795736, fax 0049-(0)9631-795734, e-mail, Internet . Thank you.

If you have information which you would like to share with your friends and colleges around the world and which are from common interest, please send us this information, we will send them out.


The information in our EMF-Omega-News are derived from sources, which we believe to be accurate but this  cannot be guaranteed.

We are not responsible for any errors or omissions and disclaims any liability incurred as a consequence of any of the contents of this resources.