Monday, February 15, 2010

Mobile Phones Radiation - what are the real health risks and facts?

Mobile Phones Radiation - what are the real health risks and facts?

Is it safe or not? That is the question.

June 22, 2008

Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden has researched for 30 years in the electromagnetic radiation field (EMR/EMF).

Download the videolist and his CV in pdf at

This interview in 15 parts can change your life when you really pay attention and are aware - your world view will probably transform during the 15 video parts.

This is an interview with the world known scientist assoc. professor Olle Johansson from the famous Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in Sweden and professor at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm too.

The question being discussed is about mobile phone radiation: Is it safe or is it not?

Independent researcher in consciousness (energy, frequency and vibration) Morten Julius from Denmark is interviewing the honourable Olle Johansson.

The Human Project has produced this interview and you can download documents and get to know more at

Thank you for sharing with all you know and wish the best.

Stay tuned and enjoy!